Your Guide to a Meaningful Vibrant Life.
This is the place to come when you’re searching for the perfect southern phrase, the best place to find imported NY cheesecake in a small southern town (YOU CAN!), or are just curious about the good folks living life to its fullest.
Eg. recipes, southern, Mooresville, stones throw, etc.

Well, Butter My Backside and Call Me a Biscuit.
What do you say when you want to say, “you don’t say?!”

The Green Stuff
Grab your allergy meds because April is going to cover you (and everything you own) in a green blanket of life.

Give Me Some Sugar!
Don’t pass the sugar bowl just yet! “Give Me Some Sugar” is a term of affection.

Fixin’ To.
You’ll hear this phrase a lot in the South. (We suspect it originated from a honey-do list.)

What’s That Now?!
Some like it hot…others mild. But everything’s better with a spoon of this on it…

Bless Your Heart.
You best check the inflection! Southern women won’t talk ugly, but they’re masters at manipulating meaning with tone…

It sounds terrible. But cook it right, and you’ll discover it’s mighty good! (For Heaven’s sake be sure to cook it!)

How To Be Neighborly
The South is known for its kindness. But do you know how to return it? Here’s what your neighbors expect…

Might Could.
Some southern phrases have a stigma outside of the south. But we think “might could” is a helpful non-grammatical pairing of verbs.

Some Cheesy History
Betcha didn’t know the South’s favorite spread originated in New York?!