A collection of events somehow happening around us this month. All text is from event sources, I swear.
Wife Class – August 4 - 6
Wife Class™ is a 4-week journey designed to unveil the mysteries of the oldest and most significant role on earth: WIFE.
What's Next? Life After Dental Hygiene – August 8
Lion’s Gate Portal Quantum Leap Workshop – August 8
This astrological event occurs annually during Leo season when the Earth, Sirius, and Orion align within the Leo constellation. This alignment creates a powerful energy gateway that is associated with manifestation, spiritual healing, and transformation.
Rethinking God with Tacos CONFERENCE – August 15 - 17
This Conference is for those discovering that God is like Jesus; God is love, and His love is better than our greatest thoughts, wildest imaginings, and even best biblical understanding. And also for those who love tacos!
A King's 1st Queen – August 16
Prepare for a royal rendezvous at our Mother-Son Soiree.